Dental crowns are a tooth-shaped “cap” that fit snuggly over the tooth, completely covering it. Crowns mimic the shape, color, strength and appearance of a tooth.
How to Know if You Need a Dental Crown
You have weak teeth (i.e.: from decay)
To prevent teeth from breaking or cracking
You have teeth that are severely worn down or already broken
You need a large filling
You need a dental bridge to replace a missing tooth
Your teeth are misshapen or discolored
You have a root canal
The Benefits of a Crown Include:
Enhancing your appearance
Covering discolored teeth
Attaching a dental bridge
Holding a filling in place
To protect a weak or cracked tooth
To cover a dental implant
To strengthen the teeth
To restore a tooth to it's natural shape and size
Look and Feel Better with Dental Crowns in Denver, NC
It is not unusual for people to experience a broken tooth. Whether caused by an accident or weakness in the tooth itself, this type of problem requires a solution. If it is not treated, a broken tooth could cause serious issues in the future, including the loss of the tooth.
For many individuals, the concern of broken teeth in Denver, NC leads them to talk with Dr. Monte McCourt about dental crowns.
What Are Dental Crowns?
Dental crowns are snug “caps” that are made to mimic the look and function of the tooth structure they are replacing, as well as the appearance of the teeth surrounding the crowns. In essence, they blend into any oral environment. Crowns are typically constructed of porcelain fused to high noble metal, but may also be all ceramic or all gold, depending on the needs and preferences of each individual patient. Because they are constructed of safe, sturdy materials, dental crowns should last for up to seven to ten years. This makes them a good option for people who:
Have teeth that have weakened over time
Have teeth with cracks in them
Have teeth that have already broken
Have teeth that have been worn down
Have teeth that would otherwise require particularly large fillings
Have misshapen teeth
Have discolored teeth
Have had a root canal
What are the Beneficial Aspects of Getting a Dental Crown in Denver, NC?
Dr. McCourt treats patients who need a dental crown in Denver, NC and the surrounding areas. He will explain the process during your visit. To learn more about dental crowns and other services offered by Dr. McCourt, please contact our office for your consultation today.
Some of the biggest advantages to getting a dental crown are as follows: